We all love a hot tub or a pool – which one is your favourite?

Press pause and enjoy a moment of bubbly bliss, indulge in a long hot soak with a glass of something sparkly or up the ante and experience a moonlit soak under the twinkling stars,  having a hot tub or swimming pool at your holiday home really is a total game-changer. 


 Imagine this.  You wake up in sleepy Suffolk and decide to go for a sunrise swim.

Your friends and family are still fast asleep inside while you slip outside and enjoy a peaceful swim. You can lap up the countryside views, while you do your morning laps.  Before creeping up for a hot shower, you make a fresh pot of coffee and start mentally planning the day ahead; a trip to the beach, a long walk in search of a delicious pub lunch, a fun game of rounders for all in the garden. 

Hat and kindle by pool in Suffolk
Hot tub Curious Retreats


 Well, the team at Curious Retreats can make this a reality.

Our big and beautiful Wisteria House and Tunstall Hall both boast outdoor pools, while The Pond Barn sits almost on top of a peaceful pond, suitable for wild swimming. Don’t worry, it also features a hot tub for those that aren’t brave enough for open water! Explore our luxury retreats with hot tubs and pools, just don’t forget to pack your swimming cossie.  

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