We have to say that, despite loving this county 365 days of the year, Suffolk is simply stunning in the spring.

Think warmer weather, carpets of bluebells covering woodland floors, the twitting of tawny owls, abundant wildlife including the possibility of bottle feeding a new-born lamb.

Let’s be honest, Easter means chocolate, and lots of it. Imagine an Easter egg hunt in 1,500 acres of parkland. Now that would be something to remember! A great way of tiring the kids out too.

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Upgrade your regular chocolate treats and have a sweet slice of what Suffolk has to  offer.

Chocolate lovers must visit Pump St Bakery (Orford) who are not only bakers but also chocolate makers, or Harris and James’ homemade chocolates (Aldeburgh and Southwold).

You can celebrate a long coastal walk with a trip to Two Magpies Bakery (Southwold, Aldeburgh or Woodbridge) for one of their iconic hot chocolates which is made with actual chocolate buttons! Heaven.  

Suffolk in the spring
Suffolk hot chocolate

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