Yes, we want to encourage you to visit Suffolk, but we don’t want the journey to end there. We believe that if we work together, we can achieve amazing things.
When we first started the business, we were curious to see how we could incorporate climate solutions for our planet.
If nothing else, growing up in Suffolk with all of its natural beauty has taught us the importance of protecting our planet and safeguarding it for our children, their kids, and so on.
We wanted to create a brand that benefited people, and if we could so while simultaneously helping the planet, then even better.
As you may have noticed, our logo is an owl. Another marker of our passion for nature.
So, we started researching and we were fortunate enough to unearth Just One Tree. They had our attention with this…
“We make it simple for individuals, schools and businesses to plant trees. Together let’s combat climate change.”
Why trees you may ask. Well, they help to clean the air and are the primary method for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Just One Tree warns us that ‘without planting more, we’ll not survive as a species.’ Say no more…
Everything we do is under-pinned by our values and so, as a result, we’ve committed to plant one tree with Just One Tree for every booking we receive.
From Mozambique to Madagascar, they plant trees all over the world and the stats speak for themselves. At the end of their third year, they’d planted 2,320,277 trees, restoring 1,263 acres removing 706,630 tonnes of carbon dioxide! Wow, just wow.
So, you can enjoy your holiday even more knowing a tree has been planted because of you and your curiosity to experience Suffolk.
To find out more, visit